public static NetworkReachability internetReachability;
Returns the type of Internet reachability currently possible on the device.
This property is mostly useful on handhelds to distinguish fast and cheap WiFi connection from carrier networking.
Note: Do not use this property to determine the actual connectivity. E.g. the device can be connected to a hot spot, but not have the actual route to the network. Non-handhelds are considered to always be capable of NetworkReachability.ReachableViaLocalAreaNetwork.
Note: Do not use this property to determine the actual connectivity. E.g. the device can be connected to a hot spot, but not have the actual route to the network. Non-handhelds are considered to always be capable of NetworkReachability.ReachableViaLocalAreaNetwork.
실제 서비스한 프로젝트에서 위 유틸을 사용했지만 많은 시행 착오 및 신뢰성이 떨어졌었다.
하여 가능하면 단말기 자체의 네트워크 상태정보를 가져오는것이 더 신뢰성이 높으므로
Navite코드를 통하여 Device의 상태정보를 가져올 수 있어야한다.
* AOS Native 관련 포스트
* IOS Native 관련 포스트